A Work Telling the Life and Liberation Story of the Great Master Padmākara.

By. Taranatha

Part 6 

From among what is known as the Nyingma Kama, in the pith instruction A Garland of Views and in the teaching cycles of such deities as Vajrakīla and Hayagrīva, the contents generally agree and are reliable, but there are also many, many minor differences. That is to say, some describe the Master taking miraculous birth, or taking a womb birth, or taking birth on a lotus—in other ways too. As for how long the Master remained in Tibet, the accounts vary: some say six years, others say twelve years, a few say eighteen years. The treasure texts state a minimum of fifty years, with the majority saying more than one hundred years. In another context, if we consider it from the point of view of disciples with pure perception, the Master remains even now among us, and is always simultaneously manifesting his enlightened form in each and every pure realm. This point of view allows for any length of time, but it does not allow the arranging of events into earlier and later ones! Therefore, here we must establish the story on the basis of what could have generally been perceived by ordinary persons who were alive at that time.

To this end, I have referred to what are known as the three versions of The King’s Narrative. I have read the Testimony of Ba along with its supplemented version that continues the history of the earlier spread of Buddhism from the point of view of the Kadampa lineage. I have also read the Testimony of the Lama. In addition, I have read a few old documents that were based on the contents of the Testimony of the King. Apart from small differences in length, they mostly seem to contain the exact same central story. In addition, all the best, most learned scholars have complete faith in these three testimonies. Also, the stories of Master Padma contained within them appear to mostly concur with the Nyingma Kama. Whereas some say Ba is spelled dpa’ and others rba, they are referring to the same text and although there is said to be another spelled ‘ba’, I have not seen it. It is possible this is an incorrect spelling of rba. I will now faithfully explain these three testimonies, which should inspire great confidence in the reader of the present work.

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