The 16th Jonang Monlam Chenmo
Day one
The sacred enthronement of Trulku Shapen Choekyi Nyima.
He is the son of His Eminence Trulku Choenye Rangshar and Karma Choedon, he is recognised as the reincarnation of Jonang Dupchen Kuenga Lode.
Trulku Rinpoche was recognised by the supreme head of Jonang lineage from Tibet and unanimously performed an enthronement ceremony by great Jonang masters representing from all Jonang traditions from Tibet and India.

Day Two
The sacred enthronement of Trulku Kunga Nedon Gyaltso, He is the son of Phontso and Sichoe Dolma. His Dharma name is Tenzin Yangsal, he was recognised by Jonang Gyaltsab Rinpoche as the Drugong Lotsawa Mene kashe. Currently, he is doing study at the Kalachakara Institute at Nobblingkha.
May His Eminence Trulku Rinpoche live countless eons to benefit Buddha dharma and liberate all mother beings from Samsara.